MAY 11, 2020

Three of our neighbors have been pronounced dead in the last 24 hours. As of May 11th, 2020, there have been a total of 490 deaths due to coronavirus across Miami-Dade County. May those who have fallen to the pandemic rest in peace.

Total number of cases (Miami-Dade County): 14,167

Total number of hospitalizations: 2,081

Total number of deaths: 490

New cases in the past 24 hours: 142

New deaths in the past 24 hours: 3


Hatian president Jovenel Moise hand-picked a panel made up of mostly doctors and medical experts to advise him on controlling the spread of coronavirus in Haiti. Now, the presidential panel is calling for a ban on returnees who have not been tested for COVID-19.

“Transporting people potentially infected with SARS COV2 in an aircraft represents a high risk of contamination for all passengers including the crew,” a letter from the panel said. “Persons coming from these territories must be placed in quarantine and tested for COVID-19. This results in the use of human and material resources already limited in Haiti, especially in the health emergency context.”

ICE has said it would test foreign nationals before they departed but suggested that with limited testing kits, it may not be possible for everyone. Deportation flights began last month, which also put a financial strain on Haiti who maintains meager resources like the only remaining 111 beds available across the country.