APRIL 23, 2020
Thirty of our neighbors have been pronounced dead in the last 24 hours. As of April 23rd, 2020, there have been a total of 270 deaths due to coronavirus across Miami-Dade County. May those who have fallen to the pandemic rest in peace.
Total number of cases (Miami-Dade County): 10,588
Total number of hospitalizations: 1,172
Total number of deaths: 270
New cases in the last 24 hours: 435
New deaths in the last 24 hours: 30
Greetings neighbors, this is the Miami Corona Project Daily Update for Thursday, April 23rd, 2020:
As of yesterday, there have been 10,153 positive cases of coronavirus across the county, with 1,036 hospitalizations and a total of 240 deaths–seven more than yesterday.
Across the United States, the national total of positive cases is now 840,340, the total number of dead has risen to 46,560.
Let’s hope today brings better news. I’ll update you tomorrow.
The demand for personal protective equipment (PPE), specifically N95 masks, has heightened tensions across our county. Frank Rollason, Miami-Dade’s director of Emergency Management, was in the process of completing an order for 1 million N95 masks, but the vendor notified them that the Federal Government was also looking to secure a million masks, which they said could have possibly affected the order. Rollason felt the Federal Government “hijacked” the highly-sought after product from the county.
Miami-Dade’s transit union is suing the county to try to provide bus drivers with the same N95 masks that are given to police and firefighters. Mayor Gimenez says they’re trying their best to provide what they have, but N95s are being prioritized for first responders.
US COVID-19 Numbers: https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/map.html