Home » Projects » Miami Corona Project » Miami Pronouncement » Miami Pronouncement: 4/16/2020
APRIL 16, 2020
Twenty-eight of our neighbors have been pronounced dead in the last 24 hours. As of April 16th, 2020, there have been a total of 183 deaths due to coronavirus across Miami-Dade County. May those who have fallen to the pandemic rest in peace.
Total number of cases (Miami-Dade County): 8,326
Total number of hospitalizations: 772
Total number of deaths: 183
New cases in the last 24 hours: 264
New deaths in the last 24 hours: 28
Greetings neighbors, this is the Miami Corona Project Daily Update for Thursday, April16th, 2020:
As of yesterday, there have been 8,063 positive cases of coronavirus across the county, with 693 hospitalizations and a total of 155 deaths–twelve more than yesterday.
Across the United States, the national total of positive cases is now 634,974, the total number of dead has risen to 27,940.
Let’s hope today brings better news. I’ll update you tomorrow.
Earlier this week, a team of doctors from University of Miami’s Miller School of Medicine was awarded emergency federal approval from the Food and Drug Administration to test stem cell therapy on patients suffering from lung inflammation due to coronavirus. Their study digs deeper into a 10-patient study that was completed in China with promising results. The trial begins this week in Miami with 24 patients, 12 of whom will be receiving the stem cell therapy and the other 12 will serve as the control group, receiving advanced medical treatment.
Dr. Camillo Ricordi, a UM professor and stem cell therapy researcher, has previously developed stem cell treatments for patients with Type 1 diabetes to avoid insulin after receiving stem cell transplants and is very optimistic about this new trial for coronavirus patients. If the trial is expanded, he believes all the COVID-19 patients at UM and Jackson Health could be treated with this therapy.
US COVID-19 Numbers: https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/map.html