Miami Pronouncement: 4/11/2020


APRIL 11, 2020

As of April 11th, 2020, there have been a total of ninety-five deaths due to coronavirus across Miami-Dade County, with eleven of those deaths occurring in the last 24 hours.. May those who have fallen to the pandemic rest in peace.

Total number of cases (Miami-Dade County): 6,754

Total number of hospitalizations: 523

Total number of deaths: 95

New cases in the last 24 hours: 441

New deaths in the last 24 hours: 11

Greetings neighbors, this is the Miami Corona Project Daily Update for Saturday, April 11th, 2020:

As of yesterday, April 10th, 2020, there have been 6,300 positive cases of coronavirus across the county, with 494 hospitalizations and 84 deaths, the highest total of any county in Florida. 

This also marks the largest growth in the number of deaths within a single day, with 18 residents passing away in the last 24 hours. May they rest in peace.

The first inmate at a Miami-Dade jail has tested positive for coronavirus, the corrections department confirmed. This is particularly troubling news, as viruses such as COVID-19 are extremely transmittable in prison environments.

South Florida appears to be experiencing the worst of coronavirus impact, the region’s 10,465 confirmed cases being more than half of the total cases in the entire state.

Elsewhere, across the United States, the national total of positive cases has grown to 500,879, along with 18,637 deaths. 

Let’s hope today brings better news.  I’ll update you tomorrow.


Miami-Dade’s mom and pop shops and small businesses are raising concerns about how they will be able to afford staying open much longer. Across the county, many small businesses owned in impoverished and immigrant neighborhoods only take cash, don’t have accountants or even bank loans, and they fear they won’t qualify for the federal government’s relief program for businesses, despite being an important contributor to economic activity in the county. 

Bon Gout Barbecue, a small, counter service restaurant in Little Haiti renowned for its traditional Hatian cuisine with a Southern twist, reported that their sales plummeted with stay-at-home orders. Even with their bank relationship, they got no response on an application for a federally backed emergency small business loan and payroll protection. The landlord is demanding overdue rent and their bank account has been overdrafted to give employees one last paycheck.

“I really need the relief desperately, to get ourselves back in order,” said co-owner Edward Rawson. “It’s really sad. Things were going so well. I literally don’t have the money to pay the bills that we have.”