South Florida Reporter
April 20, 2017
The festivities will start with a presentation by Pinecrest Gardens’ new environmental artist-in-residence Xavier Cortada, who launched the Native Flags project in 2008 to engage people globally to help slow the polar thaw. Through this initiative he encourages participants plant a native tree next to a green flag because reforestation reduces the greenhouse gases that cause global climate change. Village council members will plant a Coffee Tree in the Meadow to encourage this initiative, and at 1:00 p.m. Cortada will work with visitors at the same location to create their own green flag to take home with a seedling.
Cortada’s latest project is Seahorses: Magical Creatures in Our Backyard. It aims to build awareness about seahorses and other syngnathids in South Florida and Biscayne National Park. Cortada will work with participants at 3:30 p.m. in the Hibiscus Room to create seahorse art for the same initiative.
Read More Here: Xavier Cortada, Environmental Artist-in-Residence to Kick-Off Earth Day Celebration