- Indefatigable Artist: Globe-hopping Cortada unveils Washington mural
By Gail Meadows
The Miami Herald
December 14, 2002 - Martinez Unveils Homeownership Mural By Miami Artist
HUD News
December 3, 2002 - Timbuktu collection captures young talent
By Yeleny Suarez
The Miami Herald
December 5, 2002 - Art Basel — So much to see and so little time (Art Beat)
By Elisa Turner
The Miami Herald
November 24, 2002 - Looking at what it means to be Latino
Kamahria Hopkins
Omaha World-Herald (Omaha, Nebraska)
November 2, 2002 - Commissioned Artwork honra a artistas hispanos
El Especial (Miami, Florida)
May 24, 2002 - Encarga Heineken mural a artistas hispanos
El Imparcial (Chicago, Illinois)
May 16, 2002 - Photo-caption
El Extra (Dallas, Texas)
May 16, 2002 - Murales comunitatios
Hoy (El pulso de tu gente) (New York, New York)
May 15, 2002 - Wallscape Murals by renowned Hispanic artists
La Voz (Pomona, California)
May 9, 2002 - Exhibit unveils talent of disabled students
By Ana Veciana-Suarez. The Miami Herald
March 4, 2002 - The Art of Redemption: Miami lawyer finds creative ways into hearts of juveniles consigned to adult court system
By Maya Bell, Miami Bureau
South Florida Sun-Sentinel
February 6, 2002 - Artist Expresses Plight of Boys in a Man’s Jail: He Speaks Out Against the Law that allows Juvenile Offenders to be Charged as Adults
By Maya Bell
Orlando Sentinel
February 2, 2002 - Photographs of children in jail cells a sad sight
By Carolyn Salazar
The Miami Herald
February 2, 2002 - Panel Discusses History, Upcoming Referendum on Miami-Dade Human Rights Ordinance
University of Miami School of Law publications
2002 - Miami-Dade commemorates anniversary of landmark rights ordinance
The Weekly News (TWN)
January 4, 2002