Underwater HOA
Dear Underwater HOA community,
It was great seeing you Wednesday night for the first Cortada Projects Underwater HOA meeting of 2020. It was a promising continuation of the momentum from the previous year, and a great way to return to the space we will now use to unite homeowners, renters, community members, and neighbors to come together to address the existential crisis here in South Florida and around the world: sea level rise and climate change.
Some great ideas were brought to the 2020 planning meeting led by artist Xavier Cortada. Three committees were proposed and discussed:
- Dr. Brian Haus, Chair and Professor, Department of Ocean Sciences – Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science at the University of Miami, will chair the Pinecrest chapter of Underwater HOA with Victor Vincent and Holly Zickler.
- Another committee will be formed for new chapter development, chaired by Xavier Cortada, for the purposes of educating and developing the platform for sharing the UHOA model with other institutions. The Underwater HOA toolkit, launching this year, will be a resource to supplement this committee’s efforts in spreading the UHOA model.
- The third committee, chaired by Cortada Projects director Adam Roberti, will be responsible for engagement and programming of the Underwater HOA, continuing and growing community outreach.
UM students and other attendees also had the opportunity to create underwater yard markers, creating artistic statements by painting their homes’ elevation above sea level on reclaimed political signs.
We look forward to seeing you at the next meeting on Wednesday, March 4 th at 7:00pm here in the Hibiscus Gallery of Pinecrest Gardens, when we will discuss and present information on the future of flood insurance in the era of climate change.
Let’s start putting these ideas into action! Check cortadaprojects.org/UnderwaterHOA for updates on our progress.
See you soon,
The Underwater Home Owners Association Team
To see our full calendar of events please visit: www.cortadaprojects.org/events
Xavier Cortada ’s participatory art practice is implemented through Cortada Projects at Pinecrest Gardens. Cortada Projects uses the power of art to engage the community in learning about and addressing important ecological concerns including global climate change, sea-level rise, and biodiversity loss.