Keynote Address at Florida Public Art Conference


During his speech titled “The Urgency of Social Practice in Public Art,” delivered as the closing keynote at the 25th Annual Conference of the Florida Association of Public Art Professionals in Orlando on May 11, 2023, Xavier Cortada passionately called upon the attendees to recognize and embrace the critical role they hold as leaders in the public art sphere. With a pressing focus on the escalating climate crisis, Cortada challenged the audience to harness their positions and expertise to galvanize communities into action.

Drawing from his extensive experience as Miami’s pioneering eco-artist and his remarkable portfolio of over 150 public artworks, installations, collaborative murals, and socially engaged projects worldwide, Cortada emphasized the urgency of integrating social practice into public art initiatives. He highlighted the profound impact that art can have in raising awareness, fostering dialogue, and inspiring collective action to address the environmental challenges we face.

Cortada’s speech resonated with the attendees, urging them to view their roles not only as creators of aesthetic beauty but as catalysts for change and advocates for our fragile ecosystems. He emphasized the need for public art professionals to move beyond mere decoration and instead engage with communities, inviting them to actively participate in addressing the climate crisis through artistic interventions.

By leveraging their influence and expertise, Cortada implored the audience to mobilize communities, encourage dialogue, and promote sustainable practices through the transformative power of public art. He highlighted the unique ability of art to communicate complex issues, evoke emotions, and inspire meaningful connections, ultimately fostering a sense of urgency and collective responsibility towards environmental stewardship.

Ultimately, Cortada’s speech in the Commission Chambers of the Orange County Administration Center ignited a call to action, urging public art professionals to utilize their positions as agents of change, bridging the gap between art and community engagement. By embracing the urgency of social practice in public art, attendees were encouraged to ignite positive change, raise awareness, and mobilize communities to confront the pressing challenges of the climate crisis and protect our shared future.