Miami-Dade Art in Public Places
Miami-Dade County Public Schools
Regis House, Inc.
Invite you to the opening of
Master-Peace 2000
An exhibition of ten murals exploring the past millennium
created by artist Xavier Cortada and students from
Booker T. Washington Senior High, Coral Gables Senior High, Design & Architecture Senior High, George Washington Carver Middle School, MAST Academy, Miami Beach High School, Miami Killian Senior High, Paul Bell Middle School, Ruben Dario Middle School, Ruben Dario Middle School & Shenandoah Middle School
Saturday, June 17, 2000, at 2:00 p.m.
The Historical Museum of South Florida
101 West Flagler Street, Miami
For more information please visit the Master-Peace website at (site no longer available) or read press release, “Master-Peace 2000 Exhibition Opens at Historical Museum of Southern Florida“
Master-Peace 2000 is presented with the support of NikeTown, Miami, the Miami-Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs, the Cultural Affairs Council, the Mayor and the Miami-Dade County Board of County Commissioners.
With special thanks to The Historical Museum of South Florida.
For more information please call Lea Nickless Verrecchia 305-375-5362.
About Master-Peace 2000
Over 500 students participated in Master-Peace 2000, an art project focusing on what we’ve learned in the last 1000 years. They explored everything from The Crusades to Slavery, from Genghis Khan to Shakespeare, and from the printing press to the Exxon Valdez. Their drawings and essays were the building blocks for ten murals created using Internet technology in the studio of artist Xavier Cortada. Students communicated with him via live chat rooms and webcams. The completed murals will be permanently installed in each school.
Visit the interactive website at (site no longer available) to see their work and to post your message on any of ten discussion forums focusing on each of the past ten centuries.