Growing Our Tree Canopy Through Research Driven Solutions
The premier exchange on trees in Miami-Dade County featuring best practices from green cities, highlights from the Miami-Dade Urban Tree Canopy Assessment, insights on achieving Tree City/Tree Campus USA, tips on how to get trees to thrive, cutting edge research on the value of trees in Miami, Crown Canopy Award winner and the unveiling of the County’s online tree canopy tool. Elected officials, planners, landscape architects, public works employees, city administrators, educators, arborists, advocates, community leaders and members of public are welcome!
8:30 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. Registration and Coffee
9:00 a.m. – 9:15 a.m. Welcome
Neat Streets Miami’s Street Tree Matching Grant Award Announcement
Grant awards to partner communities planting native or Florida-friendly trees on Miami-Dade’s corridors and gateways.
9:15 a.m. – 12 noon Morning Sessions
Why Not Planting Trees Could Be Killing Your Community
The impact of trees on your community’s health and economy
Making Your Community Clamor for Trees
How to market trees in your community
10:30 a.m. – 10:45 a.m. Networking Break
Putting Your Tree Research To Work
Miami-Dade County Urban Tree Canopy Assessment and Action Plan
Arming your Community with Green Infrastructure
Planting trees as a sea level rise solution
Crown Canopy Leadership Award
To an individual who has dedicated their career to growing Miami-Dade’s tree canopy
Native Flags Call to Action
Xavier Cortada (
12 noon – Lunch in Panther Square
1:00 p.m. – Afternoon Sessions
Getting the Most Green Out of Your New and Existing Tree Inventory
From tree selection and planting to maintenance, biodiversity and pollinators
Learn From Leaders Putting Trees In the Ground: You Can Do it!
Municipal/Non-Profit Best Practices Lightning Round
Interactive Activity
Developing a multi-pronged approach to tackling our lowest tree canopy
3:00 p.m. – Summit Conclusion
30 minute Optional Biscayne Bay Campus Tours (must sign up in advance)
Discovering FIU’s tree assets and tackling invasive species
$20 Pre-Sale Tickets – Pre-registration closes March 20, 2017
$30 at the Door
$5 Student Tickets with discount code