Continental Shelf | Fish

Xavier Cortada, “Continental Shelf | Fish,” 72″ x 32″ x 8″, hand-carved, hand-glazed ceramic tile on concrete, 2024
(Water Columns series in Jacksonville Beach, FL)


Part of the seven-piece “Water Columns” installation, this ceramic tile work represents the continental shelf off Jacksonville Beach. It highlights the diverse fish populations that thrive in this zone, emphasizing the importance of sustainable fishing practices to preserve marine biodiversity.


Our state is known for its fishing, and for good reason! Our commercial industry raked in $24.6 billion in sales and employed over 120,000 people in 2022. Florida has the most recreational fishing trips taken in the country.

Off of Jacksonville, commercial fishing brings in groupers, snappers, flounders and many more species. It’s important to eat locally and sustainably caught fish to ensure that populations continue to flourish. The Monterey Aquarium Seafood Guides provide information on which kinds of fish are the best rated and how to ask the right questions about where your fish is coming from at restaurants and the grocery store.  

By choosing sustainably caught fish, you’re helping keep Florida waters full of fish, which helps maintain healthy ocean ecosystems. Want to try your hand at fishing in Jacksonville? Visit Jacksonville has you covered on where and how to do it.


  • National Marine Fisheries Service. 2024. Fisheries Economics of the United States, 2022. U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-F/SPO-248, 28 p.