

Meaning: The symbol of spirituality

Symbolizes: Literal translation is the soul

Origin: This symbol represents spiritual purity and the cleanliness of the soul.

Spiritual meaning: This symbol teaches one to embrace the human soul and to look deep into immortality and the connection of one self to everything else in the universe.

Meaning in today’s society: In today’s spirituality refers to the practice of having a relationship with one’s surroundings and the profound connection humans create with their world. Spirituality is a very important concept as it gives a deep sense of belonging and it enhances the human experience. The meaning of spirituality in current times has nothing to do with religion it has to do with how one sees itself and its position in the world. Spiritual practices help people be more empathetic and teaches people to learn how to accept others.

Environmental meaning: Nature helps people connect with themselves. Nature helps define people and helps people to understand their place in the world. There is so much wonder to explore and so much of it takes place in nature. Nature has the ability to calm one’s soul and fill it with wonder and joy.