
Sea levels are rising. Saltwater intrusion into our drinking water,
septic tanks, landscape and agriculture is inevitable. 

Pinecrest Gardens-based environmental artist and
University of Miami Professor of Practice
Xavier Cortada
wants residents to do something about it.

In his new, socially-charged “Plan(T)” project, Cortada is
embarking on a public campaign to urge every resident across
Miami-Dade County to plant a saltwater-tolerant mangrove propagule and an elevation-marked flag in their yard to symbolize and start
preparing for the future of sea level rise.

Our “mangrove in every yard” reforestation effort focuses on raising awareness and building community.

Residents are encouraged to plant a mangrove seedling in their yards to facilitate climate conversations, 
help sequester carbon dioxide, and grow our salt-tolerant native tree canopy.

Plan(T), which will include an exhibition during Art Basel 2019, presentations at all 50 Miami-Dade Public Library System branches and 25 local schools, asks the community to plant mangrove propagules which can withstand the test of time and help serve as future storm buffers. Planting salt tolerant mangroves in high ground will help to safeguard vulnerable areas of our city and provide future seed stock for areas surrendered to rising seas. 

By planting for a future with saltwater-intrusion, local residents can begin planning for the effects that climate change will bring to Miami.

The main exhibition will take place in the Hibiscus Gallery at Pinecrest Gardens during Art Basel 2019.The project and exhibition will be presented in collaboration with the University of Miami Abess Center for Ecosystem Science and Policy, Pinecrest Gardens, Miami-Dade Public Library System, Frost Science and Cortada Projects.