- Woody tress that can found along sheltered coastlines
- Halophytes – salt-tolerant plants
- Seedlings are also called propagules
- There are three main species found in South Florida: red, black and white
- Red mangroves are distinguishable by their prop roots
- Stabilize coastlines by reducing erosion from storm surges, currents, waves, and tides
- Sequester carbon dioxide
- Slow water movement, which allows sediments to build up the muddy bottom
- Roots attract small fish and other organisms seeking food and shelter from larger predators
- Roots serve as nurseries for marine life as well as nests for many bird species
- Residential and commercial development
- Agriculture and aquaculture
- Logging and wood harvesting
- Climate change and severe weather events
Why We Are Planting
The human population is growing and consuming energy at an unsustainable rate, such that our planet is rapidly warming, causing our polar ice caps to melt and accelerating the rate at which seas are rising.
With South Florida sitting on limestone rock and at low elevation, we are particularly vulnerable to the consequences of sea level rise: saltwater intrusion, storm surge, and flooding.
By planting mangrove propagules now, local residents can grow the future salt-tolerant tree canopy of South Florida and start conversations with their friends, family, and neighbors about the impacts of climate change on their community.
How to Plant
Mangroves are slow growing plants so there is a large window of time to plant them. Although they can be planted as propagules, the suggested time to plant them is between the time the first and second pair of leaves form (6-8 months). When deciding where to plant, do not choose a location close to a wall/fence or underneath power lines.
Once planted, mangroves cannot be trimmed or uprooted because they are a protected species.
Care and Maintenance
- Best suited to water-logged soils like those in or near ponds, swales, ditches, and flood-prone areas
- BUT can grow in any type of soil
- Can survive and adapt to wet tropical environments (i.e. South Florida) and dry environments (i.e. the Middle East)
- No special requirements for nutrients
- Liberally water mangroves at least once every two days
- Mangroves can thrive in either freshwater or saltwater
- Young propagules should be positioned between full and partial sun
- Propagules require more sunlight and water as they grow
- Adult mangroves require full sun and cannot handle a shaded canopy