Get your Flag


Participating residents are asked to plant a native tree alongside the green project flag in their yard and state:
“I hereby reclaim this land for nature.”
The project’s conspicuous green flags serve as a catalyst for conversations with neighbors, who will be encouraged to join the effort and help rebuild  their native tree canopy. Ideally, as they watch each tree grow,  their interest in the environment will also grow.
The project’s green flag (above) portrays Xavier Cortada’s design for the Native Flags project. You can make or buy your flag. 

  • MAKE IT:  To make your flag, just attach a green cloth to a pole, using white paint draw a leaf on and write:            “I hereby reclaim this land for nature” and””
  • PURCHASE IT:  Participants can also purchase a 2′ x 3′ project flag from the artist for $9.95 plus shipping and handling by clicking here. 

Get  your Native Tree
Participants should consult with their local native plant societies and/or nurseries for the proper selection and purchase of trees native to their community.  You can learn more about the artist’s urban reforestation eco-art practice by visiting and