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Xavier Cortada planted a green flag at the North Pole to make a symbolic gesture of reclamation by nature for “Native Flags” as a New York Foundation for the Arts sponsored artist.

Engaged Projects

  • Native Flags” – Engaging local residents in restoring native habitats for plants and animals in urban areas (sponsored by the New York Foundation for the Arts, North Pole).
  • Incorporation Palm” – Establishing a living monument to honor those that brought our city to life and those who work today to keep it growing (sponsored by the City of Miami, Miami, FL).
  • North Pole Dinner Party (Icebreaker)” – Integrating pieces of the North Pole into the very being of participants to encourage protection of the Arctic (sponsored by the New York Foundation for the Arts, North Pole).
  • Arctic Ice Paintings” – Using Arctic ice to create a series of ice paintings aboard a Russian Icebreaker as it made its way back from the North Pole (sponsored by the New York Foundation for the Arts, North Pole).
  • DRAWROF (Arctic)” – Honoring the story of Fridjof Nansen and his attempt to reach the North Pole (sponsored by the New York Foundation for the Arts, North Pole).

Public Art Commissions


  • 50-Years of Victory Icebreaker (New York Foundation for the Arts sponsored artist), North Pole and the Arctic

Group Exhibitions

Solo Exhibitions


  • 2008 Coconut Grove Arts Festival Poster Artist
  • 2008 New York Foundation for the Arts, NYFA sponsored artist: 90N (North Pole Installations)
  • 2008 Human Services Coalition Community Leader Award
