Art@CMS exhibit in Napoli

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Art@CMS exhibit in Napoli

September 15, 2015 - September 20, 2015

Mostra Arte e Scienza al Castel dell’Ovo (Napoli)

30 opere di artisti internazionali illustrano la scoperta del Bosone di Higgs

dal 15 al 20 Settembre 2015

(ingresso gratuito)

organizzata da Pierluigi Paolucci e Michael Hoch

allestimento dell’Arch. Maurizio Di Palo


Artisti: Xavier Cortada, Michael Hoch, Alison Gill, Paco Falco, Chris Henschke, Lindsay Olson, Francesco Paolantoni, Andrew Charalambous, Paul Schuster e Anastasia Song

Patrocinata dal: Comune di Napoli, Regione Campania, Università di Napoli Federico II, Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Città della Scienza, e Unione Industriali, 

Sponsor: Guida Editori, Marinella, Tearo Diana, CAEN elettronica, Impianti Scuotto e Diagnostica Annecchino










Eventi divulgativi:

16 Settembre ore 10:00. Il bosone di Higgs disegnato dai ragazzi (Sala delle carceri del Castl dell’Ovo)

17 Settembre ore 16:00: La musica elettronica come link tra Fisica e Musica ((Sala delle carceri del Castl dell’Ovo)

Art@CMS è una inziativa dell’esperimento CMS al Large Hadron Collider (LHC). LHC è il più grande e potente acceleratore di particelle del mondo che si trova presso i laboratori del CERN di Ginevra e dove, nel 2012, è stato scoperto il Bosone di Higgs.
 La popolarità mediatica del progetto LHC e della scoperta del Bosone di Higgs ha generato una ampia diffusione di informazioni, immagini e video che a sua volta ha attirato l’attenzione del mondo dell’arte contemporanea.
Art@CMS si propone di fare da LINK tra la ricerca scientifica e l’arte con una mosta itinerante che ha come tema principale la scoperta del Bosone di Higgs, il progetto LHC e l’esperimento CMS.
La mostra comprende una serie di opere d’arte eseguita da artisti di tutto il mondo che si sono ispirati alla scienza della fisica delle particelle elementari.
Dopo Ginevra, Vienna, New York, Boston, Miami, Sofia, Brussels, la mostra arriverà a Napoli il 2 settembre 2015.

Art@CMS arriverà a Napoli, al Castel dell’Ovo, dal al Settembre 2015, dove le opere d’arte saranno esposte per 4 giorni.

La mostra, patrocinata dal CERN, dall’esperimento CMS, dall’Istitutito di Fisica Nucleare, dall’Università Federico II, dal Comune di Napoli, dalla Regione Campania e da Città della Scienza è gratuita e sarà correlata da alcuni eventi mediatici e culturali rivolti al pubblico ed in particolar modo ai giovani.



What would a CERN scientist and an artist have in common?
20 Mar 2015
by Angelos Alexopoulos & Christiana Kazakou

In recent years, especially after the discovery of the “elusive” Higgs boson in 2012 by the CMS and ATLAS experiments at CERN’s Large Hadron Collider, the wonderful world of particle physics has become even more topical, providing an ideal opportunity for us to reassess our understanding of our natural environment and our position in it. At CERN, the largest particle physics research center in the world, thousands of scientists are trying to answer three crucial questions: Where do we come from? Who are we? Where are we going?

However, these “mysterious” questions are not the exclusive domain of science, as they also provide inspiration to many artists. As Albert Einstein stressed out, «the most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. This is the source of all true art and science.”

But what is beautiful in science? The experiential relationship with scientific thought and discovery is a common place for many researchers, and this is something that requires method, cooperation and perseverance as well as boldness and imagination. This way, the scientific process acts as a transformative experience that can not be complete without the essential dialogue between science and art. Through scientific illustration, creative collaborations and science communication, a new ground is born leaving behind the ‘limited’ boundaries of disciplines.

Modern particle physics overcome everybody’s innate intuitions, touching the realm of the “metaphysical.” This is the particular philosophy and spirituality that the arts are brought in to cover through creative narratives. Metaphors, similes and analogies, the actual tools of artistic creation, are also useful in the scientific process. Through these tools, scientists can imagine an abstract scientific concept in a more precise way, they can better understand the potential impact of this concept and are able to communicate the beauty of scientific thought to the wider community.

The art@CMS programme is all about this . It promotes the meaningful dialogue between science and art, bringing together scientists from the CMS experiment at CERN with artists from all around the world. At this year’s Athens Science Festival, visitors will have the opportunity to experience some tangible results of this dialogue.

The art exhibition ‘art@CMS l The art of science, the beauty in creation’ will present the works of five international artists using photo collage, painting and sculpture as a way to express the above questions. All creations were the result of collaboration and personal contact between artists and CMS experiment scientists. The short film “Past, Present, Future, Present,” which records the dialogue between the famous British theoretical physicist John Richard Ellis and Swiss artist Yuki Shiraishi will be screened during the festival. John Richard Ellis’ scientific knowledge responds to Yuki’s idea to create a large-scale construction that resembles a great ‘funnel’, a shape connected with our understanding of the universe. Finally, the audience will have the opportunity to talk with CERN scientists and other physicists who will introduce us to the secrets of the universe and the fascinating world of particle physics.


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September 15, 2015
September 20, 2015
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Michael Hoch, Director, Art@CMS
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Castl dell’Ovo
Napoli, Italy + Google Map
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