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What will your EcoAction be? Download 40 EcoActions Sheet

The Littoral Creatures exhibit served to commemorate the 40th Anniversary of BBAP where participants were given a poster, inducted into the “seahorse society” and encouraged to engage in eco-actions to protect the bay and its seagrasses for the next 40 years.

kids painting flags

On September 23, intern Michelle Metcalf worked with 54 students at Miami Country Day School to honor the Biscayne Bay Aquatic Preserves’ 40th Anniversary by creating their seahorse on a flag, inspired by Xavier Cortada‘s “Seahorse|Seagrass” painting. They included their “eco-action” to help protect Biscayne Bay Aquatic Preserves for the next 40 years. Fourth graders were paired with kindergartners to create 54 beautiful flags. Thanks to students Ava, Brisel & Coral, Eloise & Chara, and Barbie! These flags will be part of the participatory eco-art project happening at the Paddle Out event on 10/25 and will be featured at our Soiree on 10/5.

40 EcoActions Sheet

