MAY 24, 2020

Two of our neighbors have been pronounced dead in the last 24 hours. As of May 24th, 2020, there have been a total of 631 deaths due to coronavirus across Miami-Dade County. May those who have fallen to the pandemic rest in peace.

Total number of cases (Miami-Dade County): 16,845

Total number of hospitalizations: 2,721

Total number of deaths: 631

New cases in past 24 hours: 151

New deaths in past 24 hours: 2


The novel coronavirus impacts the nation during an election year, forcing campaigns to discover new ways to engage voters from home. In Florida specifically, which has been a consistently red state, the Florida Democratic Party has tested creative ideas across platforms from video games like Animal Crossing: New Horizons to phone bank wine nights and digital block parties for volunteers.

The state party, which has logged only 1.6 million calls compared to Republican 6.2 million calls, now finds itself buying more digital data than it ever has before and is stepping up its traditional social media presence. The party is also offering virtual classes on voter protection, misinformation, and cyber technology for registered democrats and on Saturday evenings hosts live games, videos, and icebreaker activities. Their goal for this election cycle: to lift up newer, younger voices.