
vCIES Letters to the Future Mural: Main | Videos | Participate

Write an open letter to someone living in 2120. Tell them who you are, where you are from.  Tell them what you see —especially now as we deal with this pandemic— and why you are writing to them.  Although the letters are written for people not yet born, the true audience are those breathing in the present.

Learn more about this project by listening to the Plenary.

By participating in Letters to the Future, your submission will be shared in a public online blog, will be included within a public art mural (partially or wholly) and will be included in qualitative research studies. Letters to the Future submissions that will be used for research, academic presentations or publications will de-identify participants names and identities. Sharing your blog is voluntary. You must be 18 or older to participate. If you have questions please contact Ann Nielsen ([email protected] or 480-727-1366). This study has been reviewed by the Arizona State University IRB. You can contact them at 480-965-6788.