vCIES Letters to the Future Mural

vCIES Letters to the Future Mural: Main | Videos | Participate

Today, too many are in denial about the human impact on global climate change. By writing to someone in the future, we can’t deny their existence. By writing to them, we create a connection to them.

Being able to connect with our progeny – whether human or more than human – raises the stakes for us now. It lengthens the “care horizon” beyond our lifetime. It encourages us to do all we can now to protect our planet, its future generations and the species we coevolved with.

In many ways, the current pandemic brings the future closer to us. Human impacts on the planet will inevitable unleash more and more diseases as temperatures rise and ecosystems collapse. Write a letter to someone in 2120, letting them know what you are experiencing today and how you envision the future.